EN GARDE, GOYARD: Louis Vuitton’s latest favorite bag is the extra-light, super-sturdy Neverfull, which has sped past the Speedy bag to become the company’s top seller. Made in signature monogram canvas, the tote has side drawstrings that allow it to expand as cargo is added. Purportedly, the bags can hold 400 pounds; the hardiness of your shoulder sockets is a separate issue. To heap newness on novelty, the price points are also tempered: the bags come in three sizes (the smallest holds a stack of magazines; the largest, left, easily doubles as a weekender) and cost $575, $620 and $665, at Louis Vuitton boutiques and eLuxury.com.
I can certainly understand why this bag has "trumped" the classic Speedy bag. The design is fresh and modern and the side drawstrings add a little extra "flavor." This would definitely be my choice between the two.
Louis Vuitton's "Neverfull" Bag