More than 20 brands have jazzed up MI Milano Prêt-à-porter’s HotHouse, the area devoted to research and scouting.
Sylvio Gardina |
Vivetta |
Gattacicova |
Smarteez |
underminimal |
Ludovico Loffreda |
Licia Florio |
Benedetta Bruzziches |
Vernissage |
Gaetano Perrone |
Misssisdesign |
Suzanne Susceptible |
Meme T'aime |
Maiden Art |
Brenda Ford |
Miryaki |
Fabric Division |
Misuraca |
Covherlab |
Babbu |
Nicholas Julitta |
More than 20 brands have jazzed up MI Milano Prêt-à-porter’s HotHouse, the area devoted to research and scouting. "Since last year, the number has increased – said Andrea Batilla, creative director of MI Milano Prêt-à-porter – The talents here on display also sell, meaning they can mix creativity, wearability and business potentialities".
The works by the Collisions project – aiming at connecting young creative talents with companies through the creation of mini capsule collections – will then be displayed within HotHouse. Batilla adds: "We are glad that among the brands currently present at HotHouse there is, for example, Smaarteez, the line designed by Marta Forghieri and produced by the company Beatrice B. By Plissé, that last year played a major role in collaborating with the designer.
It is time for the companies to realize that there are young people able to devote themselves not only to creative but also to business projects. Our future goal is to transform HotHouse in a fair of its own right and to open a project abroad: this year we had as guest designer Victoria Bartlett." We have asked to every designer participating in HotHouse to show us their must-have item, the most iconic one of their style.